Feel free to print out and mail the form below to NABA C/O Wolf at 952 Lenox Pl, Cincinnati, OH, 45229 or bring to our next meeting.
Feel free to print out and mail the form below to NABA C/O Wolf at 952 Lenox Pl, Cincinnati, OH, 45229 or bring to our next meeting.
Why Join
- Connecting North Avondale Businesses Individually our businesses may not be heard, together we have a voice at City Hall to make sure North Avondale businesses moves forward.
- Previous Successful Projects: Resurfaced the parking lot at Bar 29 for all of the businesses to use; “Welcome to North Avondale” signs; North Avondale Banners; Installed sprinkler systems in Seasongood Park; Phase I Streetscape; Police surveillance cameras on Reading Road. Gateway signage at Dana Triangle. Stabilized 3864 Reading and gained site control 3916 Vacant lot.
- Improves and Promotes the Image, Environment and Instills Pride in the Business Community Represents the businesses at meetings throughout the city.
- Promotes development, monitors and coordinates all land use issues facing the business district to assure the orderly growth and development of North Avondale consistent with the North Avondale Master Plan and the North Avondale Reading Road Urban Design Plan To make a successful business district, this is of utmost importance.
- Eligible for Neighborhood Business District (NBD) Funds The City offers a yearly grant ($3,500 in 2022). This money is used for beautification, safety, road improvement, grant assistance, planning and development.
- Liaison to the North Avondale Neighborhood Association (NANA) Having a relationship with the neighborhood association, only increases our likelihood for a successful community.
- Building a Business Database To list all businesses so that residents and other businesses can be aware of as well as lend a way to communicate with each other
- Website Have your business listed on the NABA website: https://northavondalecincinnati.com/naba/
- Communicate with Other Businesses through regular Meetings Meetings are quarterly at the North Avondale Rec Center or at members businesses or homes. Meeting dates and locations are sent by email notifications.