Home » Connected Communities response: Ron Bunt, Avon Fields Lane

Connected Communities response: Ron Bunt, Avon Fields Lane

Dear Mayor Aftab Pureval and other Council Members,

I am writing to express my strong opposition to Cincinnati’s Connected Communities initiative
and am asking each of you to vote against the ordinance.

North Avondale is a unique neighborhood. The proposal lacks safeguarding of neighborhood
character resulting in the destruction of the unique charm of our community. Also, the proposed
change in zoning – specifically, the elimination of single-family homes and relaxed height
restrictions and setbacks – will inevitably make the single-family parts of this neighborhood less
desirable and slowly but surely abandoned. You only have to travel a short distance to find
conclusive evidence of this.

While I understand the need for additional housing stock, I believe that this project would have a
detrimental impact on our community.

First and foremost, the proposed development is simply too large for our area. The increase in
population density would put a strain on our already overburdened infrastructure, leading to
increased traffic congestion, noise pollution, and strain on our public services.

Additionally, the type of housing being proposed is simply not in keeping with the character of
our neighborhood. It would also drastically alter the aesthetic of our area, replacing the existing
greenery and open spaces with monolithic, high-density housing.

In conclusion, although I understand the need for development and progress, it should not
compromise neighborhood amenities or jeopardize safety, wellbeing, and heritage. The
proposed development, as it stands, does not fit the area’s spatial context and should not be

I strongly urge you to reconsider this proposed Connected Communities ordinance. This project
is simply not the right fit for our community.

Ron Bunt
Avon Fields Lane

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