Get the link to vote and provide feedback in an online survey asking residents to rank three possible station design concepts.
Master Plan moves forward after the second public meeting held in August
The Master Plan steering committee discussed development plans drafted by Urban Fast Forward and Human Nature at September meeting.
Community Budget Requests for future biking and hiking connections
Two connections were included in the Community Budget Requests (CBR) submitted to the City.
Future community budget requests approved at September general meeting
Three project proposals were voted on and approved at the September NANA general meeting to submit to the City for their next budget cycle.
Master Plan advance to goals and objectives stage
View the North Avondale Master Plan goals and actions presented on 8/8/24.
Progress report: How will North Avondale become a historic district?
Results of the online survey so far reveal 80 “Yes” responses with only 5 opposed.
Connected Communities update
The City provided Connected Communities zoning maps of North Avondale including the CC zoning description for North Avondale and other communities along Reading Road and Hamilton Avenue corridors.
Share your history and ideas at the NA master plan meeting on Thursday, 8-8-2024
NEH-funded Avondale history project will be there to tell you more about the project too. Meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at Avondale Business Center.