NOMINATING COMMITTEE 2021-2022 NANA Nominating Committee Report The Nominating Committee consisting of: Charlene Morse, chair (Burton Woods Ln.); Kim Russell (Spring House Ln.); Sandesh Samdaria (Barry Ln.); Patrice Watson (Avon Fields Pl.); Tristen Yarborough (Parker Pl.) is pleased to report the the 2021/2022 slate of elected officers for the North Avondale Neighborhood […]
NABA requested to review proposal for acquisition of Samuel Hannaford designed property: December 2020
●NABA (the North Avondale Business Association) has been asked to review a proposal made by Rosemary’s Babies for acquisition of the Samuel Hannaford designed property at the corner of Lenox and Reading Road. This structure is the only existing architectural example of the Colonial Revival style designed by Hannaford and is […]
Beatification: September 2020
Thank you to all the NANA neighbors who came out to help garden at the Seasongood Square gardens and the Marion Triangle garden this summer. We did some desperately needed clean up and mulching. Thank you to Tom and Mary Beth Ottke, Stacy and Josh Tilford, Teresa Harten, Camille Jones, Maura and […]
Committee Updates: June 2020
BEAUTIFICATION Neighborhood Flower Pots We are taking donations for 2020 to pay the Parks to maintain the flower pots along Reading Road. You can make a donation on line at: and check Other and put: flower pots or you can mail a donation to: NANA, 617 Clinton Springs Ave, Cincinnati, OH […]
Committee Updates: April 2020
NOMINATING COMMITTEE 2020-2021 NANA Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee comprised of: Chair Patrice Watson (Avon Fields Pl), Carolyn Gillman (Red Bud), John Jones (Marion), Ethan Perry (Wedgewood), Laura Pike (Warwick), Maura Wolf (Lenox Pl) is gathering names for the 2020/2021 slate of elected officers for the North Avondale Neighborhood Association. If you […]
Nominating Committee: March 2020
2020-2021 NANA Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee is forming and NANA is gathering names for the Nominating Committee and the 2020/2021 slate of elected officers for the North Avondale Neighborhood Association. If you are interested or have anyone to suggest, come to the NANA General Meeting or call the NANA […]
NABA: February 2020
NANA and NABA enjoyed celebrating the holidays together at the newly opened Bar 29 (formerly Sonny’s All Blues Lounge) on December 20 th . Many thanks to several of you who attended. Michael Caporale President NABA
Committee Updates – Nominating Committee: February 2020
2020-2021 NANA Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee is forming and NANA is gathering names for the Nominating Committee and the 2020/2021 slate of elected officers for the North Avondale Neighborhood Association. If you are interested or have anyone to suggest, come to the NANA General Meeting or call the NANA […]