Neighborhood Flower Pots
We are taking donations for 2020 to pay the Parks to maintain the flower pots along Reading Road. You can make a donation on line at: and check Other and put: flower pots or you can mail a donation to: NANA, 617 Clinton Springs Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229, ATTN: Beautification.
Please consider helping with a tax deductible donation so we can continue making our neighborhood beautiful! Thank you!
NANA Beautification Team

Cincinnati has opened up; great news for businesses and the economy, yet not without managed concern. The goal is not to move backwards and find ourselves within the strong arms of COVID again. The best way to protect ourselves is to continue to practice social distancing and to make it such a habit that it is done unconsciously. Just as when we get into a car, we automatically put on the seatbelt, we must do the same with our masks and gloves and distancing behaviors of arm bumping and hand washing. It is heartbreaking to watch TV and hear about the stories of people of all ages who have succumbed to this virus. Let us do our part to make sure the stories end.
“Reopening Ohio is a risk, but it’s also a risk if you don’t move forward. We’re on a dangerous road that has never been traveled before in Ohio and the danger is that we relax and stop taking precautions,” DeWine said.
Nevertheless, the Health Department is still alive and well, performing its duties to the city which appear to be more critical during this pandemic. All health centers are open to receive patients and to give medical treatment and advice.
The Health Commissioner, Dr. Melba Moore, has expanded responsibilities due to the coronavirus. She is focusing all her time on managing the city’s response to the COVID pandemic. And she has been assigned by Governor DeWine to lead the State of Ohio Ethnic Data and Research Committee. Meanwhile, the day-to-day operations of the Cincinnati Health Department will be handled by the Assistant Health Commissioner, Dominic Hopson. Don’t fret, health services continue for Cincinnati.
Kimya Moyo, Health Liaison
Neighborhood Updates:
- The burnt-out shell of the white Nissan near 680 Dana can’t be removed until COVID is over per Officer Hill.
- There was an individual residing at the 700 block on Clinton Springs, house was raided by police last month, one individual was arrested and charged with Fentanyl use and possession + trafficking.
- Also, was a drug transaction in late April — not connected with the above property, but across the street — this resulted in a Heroin bust after a short car and foot chase ending up on Washington Ave.
- 882 Clinton Springs is still under many code violations. This is an ongoing problem and is being addressed but it will take some time. Not necessarily residents from there but as of this past week I’ve seen activity which looks a lot like drugs are at the heart of it. Especially a skinny white female (late 20s to mid 30s) who will walk around the corner of Mitchell (also Rose Hill), pace, and eventually a car swings by, transfer takes place, and off they go. The place itself is still a mess. This morning an elderly gentleman from there stood two feet off the curb on Mitchell with coffee cup in hand and had cars move over to avoid. Lots of garbage and junk sitting alongside the place — we’ll see how much finds its way curbside for pickup.
- 887 Clinton Springs The burned down house is now considered a public nuisance and the city is currently working on a timeline for what’s to take place next.
- Missing signs at the entrance of Rose Hill near the Belvedere has been ordered. Also North Avondale sign that is down at the Dana Triangle has been reported to re-install.
Carolyn Gillman & Dirk Pastoor, Co-Chairs