2021-2022 NANA Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is forming and NANA is gathering names for the Nominating Committee and the 2021/2022 slate of elected officers for the North Avondale Neighborhood Association. If you are interested or have anyone to suggest, attend the NANA General Meeting or call the NANA answering machine at 401.4546 or email
Serving on the NANA Board is a great way to give back to your community and help in making our community grow and thrive like we envision. You can make a difference!
Spring Floral Arranging Demonstration with Jolene Struebbe
Saturday, May 22, 2-4 pm
(Outdoors, socially distanced, COVID friendly)
Do you admire other’s floral arrangements, but feel intimidated to create one of your own? Have you tried to create your own arrangements but then decided you didn’t like them? Do you not even notice flowers, but after reading this, think well, maybe I should? 😊 Well then….
Please make plans to join Jolene Struebbe, of Beechwood Avenue, on Saturday, May 22, 2021 from 2 until 4 pm to learn some basics about floral arranging using garden greens and grocery store flowers. This will be a demonstration only class – you get to sit in your chair, watch, ask questions, and take notes, while Jolene does the work. Topics to be covered will include basic floral conditioning, how to choose a container, and basic principles of floral design. Jolene plans to demonstrate an arrangement for a center hall table, dining table and bedside table.
Jolene got her start in floral arranging through her church flower guild. She would bring home leftover flowers and practice arrangements at home all the while training her eye. She then went on to complete three terms of floral design school at Great Oaks. She has enjoyed being a floral demonstrator and creating tablescape designs for events at the Cincinnati Woman’s Club and the The Garden Club of Charleston.
This demonstration will be a fundraiser for NANA Beautification efforts. Please reserve your space, as they will be limited,
- by emailing your interest to Jolene at, and
- sending in your donation of $25 per person, payable to NANA (Beautification) to Jolene at 4018 Beechwood Avenue. Checks must be received by May 15.
An outdoor site is still being chosen and will be shared to those who are participating. Day of, please bring your questions, mask and portable chair.

This Valentine’s Day was extra special for the families of The Ronald McDonald House. The North Avondale Community came together to form the first annual “Neighborly Love” event where our families signed up to make Valentine’s Day care baskets for the Ronald McDonald residents. We were overwhelmed with the creativity, love and generosity that each and every one of you shared. NANA collected over 80 baskets which were delivered by Jay and Morgan Rottinghaus on February 10th. The baskets brought tears to Mother’s eyes, put smiles on children’s faces and gave them signs of hope, encouragement and support during a difficult time.
We want to thank the parents and children of North Avondale as well as the amazing staff at The Ronald McDonald house. NANA looks forward to continuing this new tradition in the years to come. Click here to see the thank you note from Michelle Steed, Chief Development Officer Ronald MacDonald House Charities
Upcoming Spring Events (Details Forthcoming):
- April – Easter Egg Hunt & Food Truck Festival
- May – Sidewalk Shenanigans, Bubbles, Brew & BBQ
If you are interested in planning an event, joining a committee or have any questions, please reach out to NANA Board Member and Events Chair, Morgan Rottinghaus.
Phone : 917.683.0349
Keeping Community Strong,
Morgan Rottinghaus, Chair

The city of Cincinnati is cracking down on landlords who are delinquent in taking care of their apartment buildings.
The landlord must:
- Comply with requirement of any building, housing, health or safety codes which materially affect health and safety;
- Make all repairs and do whatever is reasonably necessary to put and keep the premises in a fit and habitable condition;
- Keep the common area of the building safe and sanitary;
- Provide trash and waste receptacles, if there are four or more apartments in the building;
- Supply running hot water, a reasonable amount of hot water, and reasonable heat at all times;
- Give tenant reasonable notice of intent to enter into a tenant’s apartment and enter only at reasonable times;
- Keep all electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning fixtures and appliances and elevators in good safe working condition, when these things are supplied or required to be supplied by the landlord;
- Not harass the tenant by unreasonable or repeated demands to enter the tenant’s apartment. If the landlord or agent enters without the tenant’s permission or repeatedly demands entry, the tenant can recover actual damages resulting from the landlord’s entering.
If you are concerned with the conditions in your rental unit, please reach out to the city using the Citizen Service Request @ or call them at 561.9000. You can also reach out to us @ or call 401.5356 and leave a voicemail.
Carolyn Gillman, Chair