The Xavier students committed to working with NANA for nine consecutive Wednesday morning helping in our gardens and picking up trash! Check out the Flower pots along Reading Rd. They look great and ready for fall enjoyment! THANK YOU: Sarah Koucky, Beth Ewing, Kim Hubbard, Jolene Struebbe Jane Sillet, Janet Neidhard, Ann Wong, Teresa Harten, Jennifer Harten, Emily Harten, Tricia Renneker and Sarah Pontius Cornell Family and the Xavier students. Quick work finished up potting pansies and kale in the flower pots on Wednesday and Saturday mornings!
Thank you Ann Wong and our Xavier students for picking up tires and many, many bags of trash along Asmann Ave. The morning was sunny and beautiful and many hands made the task go quickly.

A couple of pics of the North Avondale Recreation Center Garden the XU students have been so helpful with!! Unseen in the photo are loads of Iris, daffodil, tulip and daylily bulbs. It will look beautiful in the Spring. The Recreation Center staff is super appreciative.

Thank you Xavier X-Change students for your help with the beautification of our neighborhood.
Beth Ewing (Winding Way) & Sarah Koucky (Rose Hill Ave.)
The dreaded time of the year has finally arrived – the confluence of the flu season and COVID 19. Both are respiratory illnesses, but the flu is the only one with a vaccine. The CDC recommends getting a flu vaccination to reduce the overall impact of respiratory illnesses on the population and to decrease overloading the healthcare system during the COVID pandemic. As we watch COVID cases increase in Ohio and in our county, it is important to do everything possible to conserve health care resources.
COVID 19 is still relatively new and there is a lot that is just not known yet. Scientists are still researching the disease, but there are several things that are facts.
- The flu and COVID are contagious respiratory diseases caused by different viruses.
- Some symptoms of the flu and COVID are similar, but testing is needed to confirm a COVID diagnosis.
- There is a test for the flu and a test for COVID. Taking a test for both at the same time will help scientists learn more about how the flu and COVID are spreading as well as steps for prevention.
- A flu vaccine will not provide protection against COVID.
- Both the flu and COVID are serious illnesses and both can cause hospitalization or death.
Flu vaccines are available at Cincinnati Health Centers.
Call (513) 357.7320 for an appointment.
- Enroll, reenroll or change your insurance plan for 2021 through the Open Enrollment Health Insurance Marketplace: November 1 – December 15, 2020
- Change your Managed Care Plan (MCP): Ohio Medicaid November 1, 2020 – November 30, 2020
Kimya Moyo, Health Liaison