Home » Connected Communities response: Joan Wyler, Rose Hill Avenue

Connected Communities response: Joan Wyler, Rose Hill Avenue

I am writing this letter to voice my strong opposition to the proposed Connected Communities zoning amendments for North Avondale / Rose Hill neighborhood.

As a homeowner at 4230 Rose Hill Avenue for 59 years, I am strongly voicing my opposition to this proposal. The City of Cincinnati is fortunate to have the North Avondale / Rose Hill neighborhood.

The North Avondale / Rose Hill neighborhood is a thriving community that attracts homeowners to live within the City of Cincinnati. The purpose of zoning has always been protection for the homeowner. The proposed amendments do the opposite. This will be detrimental to the property values in the neighborhood and change a unique neighborhood that attracts homeowners to live within Cincinnati. This is an ethnically diverse, family-centered neighborhood that has historic well-maintained homes.

Changing the zoning will change the character of the neighborhood and will impact the value of property. It will negatively impact single-family residents choosing to live in the neighborhood. It makes no sense to jeopardize the continuation of one of the most successful neighborhoods in the City of Cincinnati.

As a resident of North Avondale / Rose Hill neighborhood and longtime voter within Cincinnati, I urge you to oppose the proposed plan.

Joan Wyler

Rose Hill Avenue

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