Home » Connected Communities response: Marcia and Dirk Pastoor, Clinton Springs Avenue

Connected Communities response: Marcia and Dirk Pastoor, Clinton Springs Avenue

Dear Mayor Aftab Pureval and Council members,

As 40+ year residents of Cincinnati, specifically 35 years in the North Avondale community, I must express my strong opposition to the Connected Communities ordinance currently under consideration.

This plan is to destroy a viable community, one which helps create Cincinnati as being one of the most liveable and attractive cities in the state, if not the nation, is crazy! Already we’ve been impacted by an array of high-density projects operated by out-of-state LLC’s. Aside from disruption to us the taxpayers, are the financial costs incurred by the city itself. Look up what we’re spending on Police/Fire/EMT calls alone on properties such as 882 Clinton Springs, 730 E. Mitchell, and Rion Lane complex. Currently the city is totally unable to properly manage these blighted properties. Now we want to position ourselves to create more of them in some ‘helter-skelter’ manner. The whole concept is NUTS!

My wife and I, as taxpayers, share our concerns on the plan which include:

  1. The proposed change in zoning.  Specifically, the elimination of single-family homes, and relaxed height restrictions and setbacks.
  2. Reduction in parking requirements without a robust public transit system.
  3. The proposal lacks safeguarding of neighborhood character resulting in the destruction of the unique charm of our community.
  4. An accelerated decision, a sham of a public engagement process.  The proposed ordinance was already drafted and sent to the Mayor on April, 17, 2023.  In addition, the original plan was written by the Urban Land Institute on June 22, 2021 therefore, our comments and participation cannot be meaningful.
  5. The plan does not consider community-driven development for North Avondale’s historic, architectural and cultural preservation.
  6. Potential impact on the environment, greenspace, police, fire, sewer, storm water and water mains have not been considered in the plan.

Add to the above words detailing how this headlong ‘dive’ into this “Connected Communities” scheme are “the unintended consequences and fairness.”


Marcia and Dirk Pastoor

Clinton Springs Avenue

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