The City of Cincinnati Department of City Planning and Engagement will hold a Virtual Public Staff Conference on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. to discuss and gather public comment on the following:
PROPOSED ORDINANCE SUBJECT: A proposal to modify Title XIV, ‘‘Zoning Code of the City of Cincinnati,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by amending the provisions of Section 1405-03, “Specific Purposes of Multi-Family Subdistricts,” “Development Regulations:” Section 1405-07, Section 1407-07, Section 1409-09, Section 1410-07, Section 1413-07, and Section 1415- 09, to reduce or remove density limitations in certain zoning districts and thereby remove a barrier to the creation of housing within the city.
The proposed updates to the proposed Ordinance based on community feedback received include:
- Allowing for double the existing density permitted in residential multi-family districts (RM-0.7, RM-1.2 and RM-2.0) instead of unlimited. All other regulations (height, setbacks, parking requirements, etc. still apply).
- The maximum number of new residential units permitted per lot in the RMX zoning district remains three (matches current Zoning Code).
- Limiting the height in RM-0.7 multi-family to 50 feet instead of unlimited (with increased setbacks).
Additional information, purposes, and explanations regarding the proposed text amendments can be viewed at the link below:
A notification that has been mailed out to all community councils and community development corporations regarding the Virtual Public Staff Conference to be held virtually on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
If you wish to attend the meeting, please email a request to james.weaver@cincinnati-oh.gov for the meeting link to join and it will be sent directly to you the afternoon before the meeting.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
James Weaver, AICP | Senior City Planner Department of City Planning and Engagement 513.352.4882
We’re starting to develop our work plan for FY22. Based on community feedback, we will be realigning the Pedestrian Safety program to focus more on actual traffic calming. I am asking each community council across the city to send me up to two street segments for consideration for traffic calming.
The tools we will be using to calm traffic are bump outs and/or speed cushions. A bump out (or curb extension) extends the sidewalk into the parking lane where 24-hour parking is present. The bump out visually and physically narrows the roadway, which can result in slower driving speeds.
A speed cushion is similar to a speed hump, but has wheel cut outs to allow emergency vehicles to pass through unimpeded. Regular-sized cars and trucks however must reduce their speed to the speed limit in order to drive over the speed cushion comfortably. Speed cushions cannot be used on streets with steep grades.

The street segments you submit for consideration should be no more than ½ mile long, but you can send a specific address if that is easier than defining a street segment. It’s also helpful to include a short sentence or two for each location explaining why traffic calming should be prioritized here. For example, is the location adjacent to a school or community center, or on a heavily traveled walking route to a popular destination? The more information you include, the better. Funding is limited, so this is a competitive program. Each request will be scored on several factors, including:
- History of pedestrian crashes
- History of cars leaving the roadway
- History of fatal or serious injury crashes
- Proximity to a neighborhood business district
- Proximity to a school, recreation center, park or other pedestrian generator
- # of and frequency of bus routes
- % of zero-car households
All requests received will be scored, and then ranked. Funding will be allocated to the most urgent/at-risk locations first, until all funding has been expended. Due to limited funding, it is unlikely that all locations will receive funding.
Please discuss this with your community and try to respond to me with your top 2 priority locations as soon as possible, but no later than Friday January 28, 2022. Requests received after January 28, 2022 will not be considered.
Please note: This Traffic Calming program is for streets with more than 5,000 cars a day. If you are interested in traffic calming on a lower volume street, please contact streetcalming@cincinnati-oh.gov.
If you are unsure which program to apply for, feel free to reach out and I will point you in the right direction.
Melissa McVay, MCPSenior City Planner
Department of Transportation and Engineering
Editor’s Note: Please send your suggestions to nanacincinnati@gmail.com as NANA will be the one to submit to the City.