Notice Of Public Hearing: Equitable Growth & Housing Committee
Discussion to be held at the NANA Meeting
Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 1:00 P.M. will be the Equitable Growth & Housing Committee Public Hearing during which the proposed text amendments to the Zoning Code regarding density limitations will be considered. If you are interested in speaking at the meeting, please visit for more information and to register. For more information on the proposed amendments, please visit:
The Equitable Growth & Housing Committee meeting will be at City Hall Council Chambers, Room 300, 801 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 to discuss:
MODIFYING Title XIV, ‘‘Zoning Code of the City of Cincinnati,” of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by amending the provisions of Section 1405-03, “Specific Purposes of Multi-Family Subdistricts,” Section 1405-07, “Development Regulations,” Section 1407-07, “Development Regulations,” Section 1409-09, “Development Regulations,” Section 1410-07, “Development Regulations,” Section 1413-07, “Development Regulations,” and Section 1415- 09, “Development Regulations,” to reduce or remove density limitations in certain zoning districts and thereby remove a barrier to the creation of housing within the city.
Members of the Committee
Reggie Harris, Chair, Meeka Owens, Vice-Chair, Jeff Cramerding, Member, Mark Jeffreys, Member, Liz Keating, Member, Jan-Michele Lemon Kearney, Member, Victoria Parks, Member, Scotty Johnson, Member
Comments and questions may be directed to:
Samantha McLean, City Planner, Department of City Planning
Two Centennial Plaza, 805 Central Avenue, Suite 720, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202