October is ending on a high note for our Washington Triangle garden at the intersection of Washington and Clinton Springs. Without leadership for much of the year, it had become a tangle of weeds and undesirable plants, but things are changing. We are grateful to two women who stepped up to manage this garden and are on the way to make this a beautiful garden of blooming plants once again – keep your eye on this space.
Washington Triangle – garden of many weeds August 2021

Washington Triangle after workday October 2021

We met with several landscape designers who suggested adding a few trees to the triangle. We planted 6 Allegheny Serviceberries at the back of the property that will not interfere with the traffic view. We’ve cleaned out many of the weeds and undesirables and have attempted to arrange more of the same varieties together.
A big thank you to Cecil Thomas, who lives nearby, for his help in clearing the weeds for us and providing water in a very dry period.
We sponsored a workday with several Xavier students and other volunteers on Saturday, October 23 to spread mulch, plant the trees, and put the garden to bed for winter. We are anxious to see this garden next spring as the narcissus and then iris begin to appear. It may take some time to bring this garden back, but with our great team, especially Terri Byczkowski and Megan Rothe in charge, we are excited to see the results. Thank you Terri and Megan and all the volunteers who have helped to renovate this garden space.

Workday with Xavier Students at Washington Garden October 23 – Cecil Thomas stopped by to see how the garden and tree planting was coming along.
We continue to search for gardeners who might be willing to maintain the small Dana roundabout plantings and the planted border garden south of Marion Park. If you might be interested but would like to know more about what this would entail contact Judy Evans at nanacincinnati@gmail.com.
Judy Evans, NANA Community Gardens