We are super excited to announce that we are doing the second annual Valentine’s Day Basket donation for the Ronald McDonald House this year!! We had such an incredible outpouring of beautiful baskets last year from the community that it was a must to bring this new tradition back for the wonderful families at Ronald McDonald. Here are some photograph examples of the baskets so you know what to do.

Each basket needs to be wrapped in cellophane due to COVID restrictions. The baskets are meant to cheer up the adults and children. They can include things like coloring books, books for adults, toys, wrapped candy, bath or spa items, gift cards, homemade valentine cards from your kids, bubble makers, candles, stuffed animals, blankets or anything you think would bring joy to them during a difficult time. All items must be new and not used. Try to keep it a valentine theme if you can.
All baskets will need to be dropped off on my front porch at 965 Lenox Place no later than Thursday, February 10th. My husband and I will bring them to Ronald McDonald the morning of the 11th.
If you want to sign up, please put your name in the thread and approximately how many baskets you’ll be making. Our goal is 200!!! Let’s pay it forward in 2022! These baskets will warm their hearts and fill yours! Xoxo
If you have any questions, please email me at scopetto@msn.com, call or text my cell at 917.683.0349.
Morgan Rottinghaus, Chair