Mel and Lois Nizny hosted the Rose Hill Block Party at their lovely home at 3953 Rose Hill Avenue. Residents from the neighborhood and the Belvedere attended the garden party on Sunday, October 6, 2024. The weather was warm and sunny for this yearly tradition, making it a beautiful fall afternoon for everyone to come together and reconnect with friends.

Hot dogs, lemonade, beer and wine were served. Each neighbor brought a dish to share, and there were so many hot dogs, brats, metts, fresh salads and desserts that no one left hungry.
This year, several young families with children played on the lush lawn, and the Niznys provided toys and games to entertain all the neighborhood kids. NANA also set up an information table, and Matt Cornell answered questions about the historic designation project.
Mel and Lois Nizny have lived in North Avondale for over 53 years (since 1971!) and have hosted the block party for about 30 years. This year, there were two honorary visitors — the Nizny children, Stuart Nizny and Laura Ashmore. Stuart owns Pixel 19 Vintage clothing store in Cincinnati, and Laura practices law in Chicago. Click here for more pictures from the block party.
Many thanks to the Niznys for keeping the tradition going.