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New Subcontractor Designs for the Master Plan

At our February meeting we reviewed the revised work product from Urban Fast Forward’s (UFF) subcontractors. The subcontractors have prepared professional concepts of possible options to implement the goals that the Steering Committee and the community have developed over the last two years.  

These draft concepts include several options and a few are presented below. We are providing comments on the draft Master Plan document and these concepts will be presented in a meeting for a public presentation of the revised draft Master Plan in April. This meeting will be  an opportunity for everyone to come review and comment on the Plan.

UFF subcontractor Human Nature has revised their concept rendering of Seasongood Square  and ML King parks. Seasongood Square is presented with a pavilion and a water-feature added.

CUDA Studio has produced several exciting ideas for redevelopment of our business district. The alternative presented below has an underground garage, a closed-off Barry Lane and both a mixed-use and townhome development for the vacant lot at 3916 Reading Rd. The City of Cincinnati has engaged a contractor to evaluate a redesign of the Paddock, Reading and Barry intersection and there will be public engagement on this redesign this Spring.

Illumine Transportation has done a transportation study based on community concerns about speed and safety. Their study of corridors and crashes led to suggested quieting measures for three intersections.

Walter Koucky

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