Neighborhood Litter Pick Up on 10/23 from 9:45 to 12:45. Please email me at coral.a.weigel@gmail.com to let me know you are available to help and I will email you back instructions. I hope you can join us for some or all of the time. You can also go to Cincinnati Volunteer Events (keepcincinnatibeautiful.org)
The Beautification Committee is currently looking for a co-chair for litter control. Contact Jolene (jmstruebbe@gmail.com) or Coral (coral.a.weigel@gmail.com) to volunteer.
Interested in helping with litter? Join Adopt-a-Spot today! https://www.keepcincinnatibeautiful.org/programs/great-american-cleanup/adopt-a-spot.html
Your neighborhood Litter Chair, Coral Weigel