North Avondale Montessori
615 Clinton Springs
NAM Honors the Class of 2020!
In an unprecedented event due to the corona-virus world pandemic, the Class of 2020 was recognized with a parade on Wednesday, May 20, 2020. Students and parents traveled along the parade route which started on Clinton Springs Ave., went through the playground area, and exited school at the Rec Center.
Cars were decorated with streamers, signs, and pictures of the graduating student. “Our students were excited with joy and our parents were beaming with pride as the caravan traveled twice around NAM. Our teachers were cheering on our students while parents assisted with traffic flow and handing the gift bags to me for distribution. This was a total team effort and all of us were happy to give our students the recognition they so rightly earned and deserved,” said Principal Lewis.
Students were treated with a variety of music provided by DJ, Jermaine Hill. Pomp and Circumstance played on the first time through the playground and on the second pass, students were treated with today’s popular songs. “The look on our students faces were priceless! They had so many special activities taken away from them this spring so having the parade lifted their spirits,” said Angela Houston, a member of the NAM-Foundation.
“We needed to bring closure to the school year and honor our students. I am happy to see so many of our staff members were able to attend. Our students appreciate their teachers being here. This evening event was a home run,” said Rein Forrest, 9 to 12 Team Leader.
“This was my 10th and final Grade 6 Recognition Ceremony at NAM. This was definitely the most special ceremony because as a community we had to be creative on how we honored our students. Our NAM-Foundation, NAM Fathers Group, and many other parents really stepped up this evening and I am proud of our community. But we are “Team NAM” and that is what we do for our students to get the job completed. I am very confident in stating we will never have another ceremony like we had tonight,” said Principal Lewis.
Congratulations to all the members of the Class of 2020 and we wish you the best!
Sincerely, Principal Lewis

Lt. Heibrun visited the memorial bench at NAM to honor Lt. Leahr’s birthday.

NAM Welcomes New 9 to 12 Teacher!
Please welcome the newest member of our 9 to 12 Team, Ms. Lauren Fisher. Ms. Fisher has been a 9 to 12 ELA Montessori Teacher for over ten years and comes to NAM from Dater Montessori School. While instructing students in grades 4, 5, and 6 at Dater Montessori School, she did a remarkable job teaching ELA. She has 9 to 12
Montessori credentials and is a Highly Qualified Teacher, by the Ohio Department of Education standards.
“Ms. Fisher is a superstar! All of her students in grades 4, 5, and 6 scored “Proficient” or higher on the American Institute of Research (AIR) reading assessment required by the Ohio Department of Education. To have 100% of your students meet or exceed the 80% Ohio Department of Education ELA requirement speaks volumes of her abilities and the connections she makes with all of her students. She is innovative, creative, and connects with her students and parents. Also, she is involved with students in after school programs. She will be teaming with Ms. Janine Kiefer, our outstanding math and science teacher. I was elated when she accepted the position.
Lauren and Janine will make a tremendous team and down the road will be in high demand,” said Principal Lewis. “I am excited to join “Team NAM” and look forward to the 2020-2021 school year. I want to be involved in the NAM Community and to make a positive impact on my families,” said Ms. Fisher.
Roger Lewis, NAM Principal