North Avondale Montessori
615 Clinton Springs
Thank you North Avondale Neighborhood Association for inviting me to introduce myself. As the new principal of North Avondale Montessori, I appreciate all the warm welcomes I have received since arriving.
Cincinnati has been my home twice. I graduated from Oak Hills High School in 1986 and left shortly after graduation for the Army. After serving in the Army, I attended Boston College and graduated with a BA in English. After college, my education career has taken me to California, Texas, Oregon, Michigan, and finally back to Ohio, where my wife, Mary Beth, and I raised our two children, Mary Catherine and Joseph.
I am most recently coming from Parker Woods Montessori, where I worked as an assistant principal. Parker Woods was my first Montessori experience as an administrator. I was fortunate to learn to be a Montessori administrator while working with Principal Whitney Simmons. Some may remember Ms. Simmons as a former principal here at North Avondale Montessori.
I look forward to attending community events when this current pandemic allows us to gather again. Until then, I wish all of you the best and look forward to meeting as many members of this community as I can.
Jack Corey, Principal, North Avondale Montessori