●Did you Know??
Nearby Avon Woods Nature Preserve is home to hundreds of native tree and plant species. Inside this small, 14.5-acre greenspace you’ll find several trees, shrubs and wildflowers, some of which are infrequently found throughout other area parks. This ecosystem diversity is not entirely by accident – a dedicated group of volunteers that walk the trails each day also remove harmful invasive species such as English ivy and winter creeper vines from the trees as well as honeysuckle bushes from the ground.
What can you do to help?
Planting native species in your yard is a great support! Being so close to a nature preserve has many benefits, but it is a challenge to “keep up with the creep” of incoming non-native plants from neighboring yards. Seeds and vines often find their way in over the years. A few invasive species making their way inside the preserve are: Miscanthus sinesis Grass and Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica). If you are looking for some easy native alternatives for your landscape –
- Shrubs for partial shade: spice bush, witch hazel
- Grasses for Sun: big bluestem (tall), little bluestem (short)
- Flowers for Pollinators: echinacea, black-eyed-susan or false [ox eye] sunflowers
For more resources, see The Ohio Invasive Plant Council: https://www.oipc.info/ and https://www.ohionativeplantmonth.org/
Ohio Native Plant Month
On July 18, 2019, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed legislation designating the month of April as Ohio Native Plant Month. Our primary goal is educating the public about the benefits of planting Ohio’s native plants and removing invasive plants to improve Ohio’s ecosystem. www.ohionativeplantmonth.org
Rachel Rice | Nature Next Door Outreach
Cincinnati Parks, Avon Woods
4235 Paddock Road, Cincinnati, OH
513.861.3435 | rachel.rice@cincinnati-oh.gov

View Canines with Naturalist Rachel Rice at Avon Woods at: https://www.facebook.com/CincyParks/videos/3219836294792296/