North Avondale Recreation Center
617 Clinton Springs Ave.
- Hours: open Monday thru Friday 10 am to 8 pm; Saturday 9am to 2pm
- We are closed December 24 and 31. And in January we are closed on the 17th.
- We are having a day camp during the break. See the flyer below.
- Weight Room is by reservations
- Masks must be worn
- Senior Knitting & Social Group Monday, 12:00 to 1:30 membership required
- Soccer Unites partnership with FCC: 6 to 8 week program; games Tuesday & Thursday Afternoons at the new mini pitch; teaches basic soccer skills and character building; Fall and Spring Sessions
- Adult Fall Kickball at Oakley ballfields on Tuesdays

Tim Johnson, Service Area Coordinator
Hirsch Recreation Center
3620 Reading Road
- Hours: 10am to 8pm Monday thru Friday
- Dec. 20 – Dec 23 and Dec. 27- Dec.30th 10:00 am – 6:30 pm.
- We are closed Dec 24, 25, 30 and Jan 1st and Jan. 17th.
- After School 2:30-6:00pm – Cost: $62.50/child – accept vouchers for children
- No Holiday minicamp but we may offer a drop-in program from 12:30 – 3:30 Mondays and Wednesdays of the holiday break if there is interest. One can contact Hirsch center for more information.
- Spinning classes: Mon. & Wed., 6:15 – 7:00 pm. It is necessary to sign up before class. To register call 751.3393 or go to the front desk.
- Yoga: Tuesday 6:00pm – call to reserve space.
Taylor Singleton, Service Area Coordinator