North Avondale Recreation Center
617 Clinton Springs Ave.
- Hours: open Monday thru Friday 10 am to 8 pm; Saturday 9am to 2pm
- We are closed February 21st
- Weight Room is by reservations
- Masks must be worn
- Senior Knitting & Social Group: Monday, 12:00 to 1:30 membership required
- Adult Softball: starts week of 5/9; registration link
- Adult Kickball: starts 5/17 and runs for 6 weeks; registration link
- Soccer Unites partnership with FCC: 6 week program; games Tuesday & Thursday Afternoons at the new mini pitch; teaches basic soccer skills and character building; Spring Sessions starts in April.
Matt Brown transferred on 1/1/22 to the Mt Washington Rec Center on the Eastside after two years at North Avondale. While at North Avondale, Matt was in the Athletics division where he organized and coordinated: Adult-Softball, Adult-Volleyball, Youth Soccer, Camps for Champ, Adult Kickball and the Lunken Tennis Center. At Mt. Washington, he will be getting back to his roots by being the Club CRC, Summer Day Camp and Teen programs coordinator. He enjoyed his time at North Avondale and will miss the staff, Day Camp Families and community members he had the pleasure to work with and get to know.
Nialani Robinson, Community Center Director
- Congratulations to 7 Star Dragons Competition Team who traveled to Fredericktown, Ohio on November 6,2021 to complete in the 2021 UPMAC National Championships. 100 percent of the team members earned a 1st through 3rd place finish. MJ Hartnell, Kevin Hartnell, Zachary Dangerfield, Garvin Dixon, earned 2 -3 gold medals each. The team competed in forms, sparing , weapons forms and Chanbara foam sword sparing. This was the teams first major event since COVID. These students and many new students have been training on Tuesdays and Thursdays at NARC from 6-8 pm, to continue to represent our community in 2022 at various competitions. Visit our website to become a member of our team. http://7stardragonskarate.com/#home
- We appreciate the continued support of our families, CRC, NANA and our community.
A Special thanks to Charlie McGinnis Sensei, Shihan (Master Aikido Instructor) for arranging a special visit from Aikido of Cincinnati on November 16, 2021. We practice break falls and rolls with our pre teens and teens. We enjoyed our instructions and benefited tremendously.
Sensei Terrell Davis

Hirsch Recreation Center
3620 Reading Road
- Hours: 10am to 8pm Monday thru Friday
- Saturday 9 am – 2 pm
- We are closed February 21st
- The Fade Room (Membership required) Tuesday 5:30 – 7:30pm
- This program will provide youth 8-13 an opportunity to come into the center for a “barbershop style” experience (video games, sports on TV air hockey etc…) 4 – 30min time slots available per week. Haircuts are free of charge (no styling). Signed permission slip to reserve a time slot
- Girls on the Run (3rd-5th grade) Tuesday and Thursday 4:00- 5:15pm
- Register online @ https://www.gotrcincinnati.org/ by Feb. 10th or stop by and see Ms. Brittany.
- Spinning classes: Mon. & Wed., 6:15 – 7:00 pm. It is necessary to sign up before class. To register call 751.3393 or go to the front desk.
- Yoga: Tuesday 6:00pm – call to reserve space.