North Avondale Recreation Center
617 Clinton Springs Ave.
- Hours: open Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9 am to 8 pm; Thursday & Friday 9am to 6pm
- Weight Room is by reservations
- Open Gym from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm – call for reservations
- Masks must be worn unless you are vaccinated and your temperature must be taken upon arrival.
- Soccer
- FCC is finishing a mini pitch soccer court on one of the Tennis courts.
- CRC’s STEAM Summer Camp provides hands on experience with gardening at our North Avondale Recreation Center. For more information regarding STEAM Summer Camps, click https://web1.myvscloud.com/wbwsc/ohcincinnatiwt.wsc/splash.html

$150.oo per week
Ages 5-12 apply to cincyrec.org

Paddles & Balls provided


7 Star Dragons Karate members were recognized for Academic Excellence on May 29, 2021 at North Avondale Recreation Center Dojo. Throughout the year, students set goals of academic excellence and improvement. Grades are monitored and verified to establish awards for straight A’s, Honor roll and Academic Improvement. 12 of 20 youth earned an A Team award by earning straight A’s in a grading period. We are extremely proud of their noteworthy achievements during such a challenging academic year. Additional awards earned were for Star Students, 6th grade recognition, and Volunteer awards.
7 Star Dragons returned to competition this month with 1 student representative after over a year off due to COVID. Congratulations to Devlin Kennedy for winning 1st place in 13-14 year Boys Kata, Kobudo (weapons forms) and Sparring, at the Miami Valley Tournament Association, Xenia, Ohio on June 12, 2021. After winning 3 first place, Devlin qualified to participate in 11-17 year Grand Champion and won his First Grand Champion Award.
NARC Dojo will begin in August registering students 6 years and up for fall classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Updates and current registration information will be available at: http://7stardragonskarate.com/
Sensei Terrell Davis
CRC is hosting our first Youth Scholarship Golf Outing August 14, 2021! – See flyer above.
Tim Johnson, Service Area Coordinator
Hirsch Recreation Center
3620 Reading Road
- Hours: 9am to 7pm Monday thru Friday
- Hirsch Pool Opened until August 14.
- First come first served
- Our weight room – 6 people at a time
- Spinning classes: Mon. & Wed., 6:15 – 7:00 pm.; Thursday 7:30-8:15am It is necessary to sign up before class. To register call 751.3393 or go to the front desk.
- Yoga: Tuesday 6:00pm – call to reserve space.
- Pick up a Gym Schedule and a Program Schedule at the Center.
Blake Williams, Service Area Coordinator