The New School Montessori (TNSM)
3 Burton Woods Lane
New School Montessori (9-12) students took an opportunity to look at themselves in a different way. One, by writing lines of poetry and the other, by creating silhouettes of themselves . Both of these exercises allowed them a view of themselves that they don’t normally see.
Writing poetry is often a great way to gain an understanding of who we are inside. Teachers asked 5th graders to take that dive to see what these poetry starter phrases might reveal.
Students also created a bit of self-art by shining a light on the wall where a friend traced their profile onto black construction paper, creating amazingly accurate silhouettes.
Here are some lines from their poetry: I wonder how big the universe is. I pretend to like tiramisu. I am a soccer player. I hope we can overcome global warming, so we don’t all die. I am strong. I am funny. I want no gun violence. I wonder if the turtles are OK. I see homeless pets. I cry about climate change. I am me. I dream about peace. I worry about global warming. I cry about violence. I am myself. I am confident and smart. I pretend to like guacamole. I understand friends. I try to be kind. I hope for good things. I am wonderful.
If you’d like to see where poetry can take you, follow their lead in completing these phrases. I am…I wonder…I hear…I see…I pretend…I feel…I worry…I cry…I understand…I try…I hope…

Ann Baumgardner, Communications Director