The New School Montessori (TNSM)
3 Burton Woods Lane
Create artwork using paints you make yourself.
New School Montessori elementary art teacher, Robin Hartmann, made an instructional video showing students how they could make their own paints using everyday items found around the house. To create your own paint the way da Vinci did:
- Separate egg white from egg yolk.
- Put the yolk on a paper towel and use a toothpick to rupture the egg yolk’s sack.
- Squeeze the yellow liquid from the sack into a container or welled cup of a paint palette.
- Take care to keep the yolk’s membrane on the paper towel.
- Then mix small amounts of liquid yolk with various ground-up pigmented items like chalk dust, Kool-Aid or food coloring to begin your masterpiece.
Here is the video:

Ann Baumgardner, Communications Director