The New School Montessori (TNSM)
3 Burton Woods Lane
New School Montessori Students Were Visited by a Tethered Hawk
Fourth graders are learning outdoor skills used by the protagonist in Jean Craighead George’s novel, My Side of the Mountain, which features a boy and his peregrine falcon hunting together. Students took turns feeding morsels to the visiting Harris Hawk and allowed her to take flight and land from their leather-gloved arms. They were thrilled to witness a bird of prey up close and flapping from one to another.
Students in 4th-6th grade gathered on the lawn behind their classroom to learn about many different birds of prey from the hawk’s handler who did a great job of presenting and answering each student’s questions.
As each child stood proudly, holding up this noble bird, we were reminded of a quote from Dr. Maria Montessori who said, “when children come into contact with nature, they reveal their strength.”

Ann Baumgardner, Communications Director