The Beautification committee is pleased to announce the addition of two new volunteers: In charge of Litter, we welcome Coral Weigel, (Edge Hill Place) and overseeing our neighborhood garden plots, we welcome Judith Evans (Rose Hill Avenue). We are indebted to Laurie Pike for her previous work as our Litter/Clean up Chair and, of course, to Maura Wolf as our past Beautification Chair. (clap, clap)

Litter report
If you’ve noticed litter on your street or at a particular spot in North Avondale, the Beautification Committee would like to invite you to join the Adopt-a-Spot program run by Keep Cincinnati Beautiful.
All you need to do is pick up litter in the area you’ve chosen one day a month for one year. It doesn’t need to be a whole street, it could be a block, street corner, or part of a park. There’s no need to purchase any special equipment, Keep Cincinnati Beautiful will supply all of the materials needed to you after signing up and they’ll even install a sign at the spot recognizing your efforts.
Sign up today and help keep North Avondale beautiful!
Questions, please contact Coral at coral.a.weigel@adnielsen77gmail-com

If you have any questions for the cleanup, please contact Coral at