We have learned the $2.0 million HUD grant was awarded for the City to implement the Connected Communities ordinance, which eliminated single family zoning along a 1/2 mile radius of Reading Road. We recommend NANA leadership invite City representatives and Council members to a NANA meeting to provide transparency of the city’s plans, especially […]
Master Plan Update – Review of Draft Report
We met on February 6th at the North Avondale Recreation Center to review the updated draft of our Master Plan. Urban Fast Forward (UFF) and their subcontractors were in attendance to answer questions on their contributions to the plan. We provided UFF with our visions for future land use. UFF’s […]
Zoning in North Avondale to be Eliminated
I have learned that the City is applying for a $2,000,000 HUD grant to implement the actions provided for in the City’s “Connected Communities” Ordinance which was passed in June, 2024. As you may recall, this Ordinance provided for the elimination of single family zoning and replaced it with multifamily […]
Our Neighborhood Draft Master Plan is Complete
The Draft Master Plan document has been completed by the City’s contractor, Urban Fast Forward (UFF). This project was started in August of 2022. The NANA Executive Board voted to restart a stalled effort begun in 2017 to update the substantially outdated 1974 neighborhood Master Plan by appointing a steering […]
North Avondale seeks historic designation in response to Connected Communities
NANA President Dawn Johnson and Walter Koucky spoke with WXIX’s Brenda Ordonez about NANA’s response to Connected Communities
Now may be the right time for North Avondale to become a Local Designated Historic District
A Local Designated Historic District is one of the City’s few zoning tools that still provides neighboring property owners a voice in major changes to the built environment.
Review Today: Connected Communities Online Petition
Online petition to request a full, fair, and appropriate discourse about the proposed Connected Communities ordinance.
“Future use” language for 33 Burton Woods Lane to be clarified
Recap from the December City of Cincinnati Zoning hearing.