2021-2022 NANA Nominating Committee Report
The Nominating Committee consisting of: Charlene Morse, chair (Burton Woods Ln.); Kim Russell (Spring House Ln.); Sandesh Samdaria (Barry Ln.); Patrice Watson (Avon Fields Pl.); Tristen Yarborough (Parker Pl.) is pleased to report the the 2021/2022 slate of elected officers for the North Avondale Neighborhood Association. President: Heather Herr; 1st Vice President: Ethan Perry; 2nd Vice President: Patrice Watson; 3rd Vice President: Morgan Rottinghaus; Secretary: Sandesh Samdaria; Corresponding Secretary: Ryan Jarrell; Treasurer: Robin Senser.
Notice Date Change Beautification Fundraiser
Make Checks payable to NANA (Beautification) and must be received by May 1.

Pamela Smitherman Memorial Bench at the North Avondale Recreation Center made beautiful by Beth Ewing!

Neighborhood Litter Pick Up an Clean Up on Saturday May 1, rain or shine, 11 am – 1 pm. Stayed tune for more details.