NANA master plan November project team meeting

North Avondale Recreation Center 617 Clinton Springs, Cincinnati, OH, United States

The master plan project team is meeting on the first Thursday of each month.

NANA General meeting November 2024

North Avondale Recreation Center 617 Clinton Springs, Cincinnati, OH, United States

The NANA general meeting is held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month except for August. We look forward to seeing you at the November general meeting. Agenda for the November 12, 2024 meetings: Executive Board Meeting NANA General Body Meeting

NANA Executive Board December 2024 meeting

North Avondale Recreation Center 617 Clinton Springs, Cincinnati, OH, United States

The NANA executive board meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. If you are interested in attending or presenting at this meeting, please contact

NANA master plan December project team meeting

North Avondale Recreation Center 617 Clinton Springs, Cincinnati, OH, United States

The master plan project team is meeting on the first Thursday of each month.

Remember to check the NANA calendar for neighborhood events and meeting details

NANA-sponsored and NABA-sponsored events such as social events, volunteering, executive board and general meetings will be listed as an Event and on the Events calendar. Events recommended from neighbors, from adjacent communities, or from around Cincinnati will be reviewed for relevancy before they are listed. Sharing information about your event […]

NANA Annual Holiday Party

You are invited to celebrate the season with your North Avondale neighbors at the Holloman Center for Social Justice, 3539 Reading Road Suite 100 in the Avondale Town Center.


NANA Executive Board January 2025 Meeting

North Avondale Recreation Center 617 Clinton Springs, Cincinnati, OH, United States

The NANA executive board meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. If you are interested in attending or presenting at this meeting, please contact

NANA General meeting January 2025

North Avondale Recreation Center 617 Clinton Springs, Cincinnati, OH, United States

The NANA general meeting is held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month except for August. We look forward to seeing you at the January general meeting.

North Avondale Historic Designation Kickoff Meeting

North Avondale Recreation Center 617 Clinton Springs, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Please join us and our Historic Preservation consultant, Beth Sullebarger, for a brief overview of the process. We will cover the effects and schedule of this local historic designation work. We will also organize a committee of volunteers to assist in developing design guidelines tailored to the neighborhood, its architectural […]


NANA Executive Board February 2025 Meeting

North Avondale Recreation Center 617 Clinton Springs, Cincinnati, OH, United States

The NANA executive board meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. If you are interested in attending or presenting at this meeting, please contact