New School Montessori 1st and 2nd graders enjoyed an early geometry lesson in the great outdoors. The blacktop just off the front porch of the Mansion served as a perfect surface for teacher Lauren Burke to demonstrate the geometry lesson and to allow plenty of practice on the nearly endless expanse of blacktop.
1st level students learned all about lines (parallel, divergent, convergent and perpendicular), while 2nd level students learned about the different kinds of angles that live within triangles (right, obtuse and acute angles).
The entryway to the school was decorated with all manner of lines and angles as each student practiced drawing and labeling their work with colorful chalk. These lessons are built on earlier knowledge students learned in the (3-6) pre-primary and kindergarten level and are expanded upon further in the (9-12) level where students learn more complicated concepts in geometry, determining angle measurements inside a triangle and learning theorems.

The New School Montessori (TNSM)
● 3 Burton Woods Lane
● 513.281.7999