On Tuesday, March 12, Lynne Miller presents the Citizens Not Politicians (CNP) amendment to end gerrymandering at the NANA General meeting.

Miller is a speaker for Fair Districts Ohio, a volunteer organization supporting the CNP amendment. She has volunteered as a speaker with Fair Districts for several years in an effort to end gerrymandering in Ohio.
She is a member of the League of Women Voters Cincinnati area board serving on the membership committee and speaker’s bureau. Miller, a lawyer by training, is currently semi-retired. She has been fascinated with the electoral process ever since undergrad political science studies at Kent State University.
The Citizens Not Politicians amendment will end gerrymandering in Ohio by creating an independent citizens commission to draw state and congressional maps which will ban politicians and lobbyists from participating in the process, make it unconstitutional to draw maps that favor any political party, and require the commission to operate in an open and transparent manner.
Miller’s presentation including time for Q&A will start at 7:30pm after the business portion of the General Meeting.
Here is a link to the learn more: https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org/