Was held on Wednesday, October 27th from 6 to 7:30pm at the North Avondale Recreation Center.
We invited everyone who was running and here is a list of the candidates who cared enough about our community to attend:
City Council: Jalen Alford, Jaime Castle, LaKeisha Cook, Jeff Cramerding, Kevin Flynn, Jackie Frondorf, Bill Frost, Brian Garry, Steve Goodin, Galen Gordon, Kurt Grossman, Reggie Harris, K.A. Heard Jr., Evan Holt (North Avondale Resident), Mark Jeffreys, Scotty Johnson, Liz Keating, Andrew Kennedy, Greg Landsman, Jan-Michele Lemon Kearney (North Avondale Resident), Phillip O’Neal, Meeka Owens (North Avondale Resident), Victoria Parks, Te’Airea Powell, Elizabeth Sundermann, Jim Tarbell, John Williams
School Board: Pamela Bowers, Brandon Craig, Gary Favors, Kareem Moffett
Judges: Donte Johnson, Elizabeth Tye (North Avondale Resident)

- To learn more about the election go to:
- Sample Ballet
Thank you to Beth Ewing, Tania Carreon-Valencia, Caroline Gillman and Charlene Morse for organizing and carrying out this event. Thank you to the North Avondale Recreation Center for all their help.