We have a need for captains of two of our small gardens, as Richard Jackson, our “gardener extraordinaire”, is retiring from his volunteer NANA gardening. We thank Richard for his long time commitment to making so many of our gardens truly beautiful.
Both gardens are planted and require some weeding in spring/summer, spreading of mulch, and perhaps a small amount of trimming spent flowers.

Please let us know if you are able to help beautify North Avondale in these two small gardens. Contact Judy Evans at bernetevansdesign@gmail.com
Saturday Work Day
We also have a big garden project renovating the Washington Triangle garden at Washington and Clinton Springs. Our garden captains here, Terri and Megan have a workday planned for 9AM on October 9 and October 23. We will be planting and mulching and I hope you can join us for some or all of the time to clean up this garden, make it ready for winter, and then wait for a beautiful surprise next spring.