●Proposed Rosemary’s Babies Company Residential Parent Housing for teens 16-21 at 3864 Reading Road
Rosemary’s Babies Company (RBC) is a local 501c3, a nonprofit organization supporting teen parents and their families. They are asking NANA to support their mission-driven work on November 10, 2020, at our general meeting.

Rosemary’s Babies Co. has been a lifeline for more than 400 adolescent parents in our local community since 2016. These young children who must now face the difficult transition from child to adult and child to parent overnight. Of teen parents served, 30% have housing insecurities and are homeless. At present, there are no options for parenting teens under 18 in Cincinnati. Without support, this leaves these youths and their babies at risk. Rosemary’s Babies believe no parenting child should be without support and living on the streets with their baby. This is why the organization is looking to provide a safe house for teen parents (ages 16-21) to stop the cycle right here in Avondale. As more than 30% of the population, the organization serves live in this area.
RBC wants to invest in The Rubel House (3864 Reading Road), to provide Residential Parent Housing for teens for up to one year. Their vision is to transform the current blighted property, that has remained vacant since 2014, into a multi-use commercial space to provide housing and support for up to 14 occupants, as well as education and workforce development to teen parents. Rosemary, the Founder & CEO, was a former teen parent with roots in Avondale, who knows this community and understands this future residence will be the best place to nurture teen parents into productive citizens who will understand their due diligence; to give back to their community.
Rosemary’s Babies Co. will bring a positive spotlight to this community as they are leading the charge in this area of work. This space will be the only one in Cincinnati and surrounding areas. The organization has the support of its community partners, The City of Cincinnati, The Urban League, and many others. The acquisition of this property from The Port Authority is dependent on a letter of support from NANA as an endorsement from the community. RBC will speak at the next NANA meeting for consideration and a vote. This letter will be used in a Case for Support with The Port by/before November 28, 2020. Rosemary’s Babies is asking the North Avondale community and NANA to join their investment into impacting lives and our community. To learn more about our organization: https://www.rosemarysbabies.co/
To view the PDF on: Rosemary’s Babies Company and City Of Cincinnati – City Of Cincinnati Invests $184,000 Into Supportive Housing Click Here
Rosemary Oglesby-Henry, CEO
●Proposed Name Change of Reading Road to President Barack Obama Avenue

North Avondale Councilmembers Jan-Michele Lemon Kearney and Wendell Young put forth a motion that City Council passed to change the name of Reading Road to President Barack Obama Avenue. Kearney states, “When my mother first tried to rent an apartment in North Avondale in the early 1960s, she was told, ‘We don’t rent to Negroes.’ We’ve come a long way, not only as a community but as a country. Let’s not ever be afraid of positive change. Electing an African American president was something that my mother and many others never thought would be possible in their lifetime. We have come a long way, but we have far to go. Racial disparities continue to exist. Many in our community are suffering and feeling hopeless. Let President Barack Obama Avenue be a sign to our youth and to all of us, regardless of political ideology, that we are capable of overcoming the horrors of our past. Let it shine a light on our ability to come together and move forward as a country. Therein lies the true greatness of America.” Kearney approached Councilmember Young several years ago with the idea, and Young began working on the name change, but the issue was sidetracked by other matters. This past summer, a Walnut Hills High School graduate, Caleb Price, came to Council to ask for the street renaming. He had already collected thousands of signatures. “Caleb inspired us to get back to work on the name change,” Kearney said. Given the pandemic, the City’s tight budget, and pressing needs of communities, the three agreed that outside fundraising was necessary. “There has been overwhelming positive feedback,” Kearney said. “Of course, as with all change, there will be pushback, and I understand different viewpoints.” She encourages anyone with questions or comments to contact her at (513) 352.5205 or Jan-Michele.Kearney@cincinnati-oh.gov.