Hello Neighbors,
We finally see some light at the end of the pandemic tunnel! With the rollout of the vaccine we are getting closer and closer to normal life again. I was able to get my first dose last week and I wanted to share some info for anyone looking for an appointment.
One of the closest places to North Avondale is the drive through vaccination center at UC Health. They open up new appointments every Thursday at 8am and they have a hotline if you need help with getting a vaccination appointment. Anyone can call 513-584-DOSE (3673) to get a vaccine appointment. You do not need to be a current UC Health patient. The more folks who get vaccinated, the faster things can move forward!
As we get control of this virus we are also faced with the challenges of economic recovery after a year of shutdown. The City of Cincinnati is receiving $291 Million in Federal funds to assist in jumpstarting our economy. Several members of the City Council are seeking input from citizens on how these funds should be used. Now is our chance to let City Hall know what our priorities are!
Councilman Mann has created a survey that you can take online here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CincinnatiStimulus
Councilman Landsman held a town hall on the subject last week and provided a recap of the event. If you are interested in reading a portion of the Q&A and seeing a list of the concerns raised during the meeting you can view that here.
Our neighbor, Councilman Jan-Michelle Kearney also hosted a virtual town hall on April 5 to engage community members on their ideas for spending these funds.
It is important that we let our city leaders know how we would like to see these funds applied to improve our city and neighborhood. I hope that you will take some time to let your voice be heard!
Ethan Perry