North Avondale Recreation Center
617 Clinton Springs Ave.
- North Avondale Recreation Center is open Monday thru Friday 9 am to 9 pm
- Weight Room is by reservations only
- Open Gym from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and after 6:00 pm – call for reservations
- Masks must be worn and your temperature must be taken upon arrival.
- If you had an active membership on or after March 13th, there was an automatic extension put on your card. Check with the center for details.
- North Avondale has a few spots open for both A and B days. CRC Recreation Centers who are offering School Day Enrichment and After School Enrichment programs have WIFI available for virtual learning. More info: https://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/recreation/programs/camp-crc1/after-school-school-day-enrichment-scholarship-application/
Matthew Brown, Community Center Director

Hirsch Recreation Center
3620 Reading Road
- Many recreation centers are offering full daycare or afternoon/afterschool care. Check out cincyrec.org for your childcare needs.
- Our weight room has reopened by reservation only. There are seven one hour time blocks within the day that customers can call to reserve.
- If you had an active membership on or after March 13th, there was an automatic extension put on your card. Check with the center for details.
- Spinning classes have resumed M/W 6:15 – 7:00 pm.
- Teen and youth open gym is open for reservations. Call for availability.
Blake Williams, Service Area Coordinator