North Avondale Recreation Center
617 Clinton Springs Ave.
- Hours: open Monday thru Friday 10 am to 8 pm; Saturday 9am to 2pm
- Weight Room is by reservations
- Masks must be worn
- Senior Knitting & Social Group: Monday, 12:00 to 1:30 membership required
- Adult Softball: starts week of 5/9; registration link
- Adult Kickball: starts 5/17 and runs for 6 weeks; registration link
- Soccer Unites partnership with FCC: 6 week program; games Tuesday & Thursday Afternoons at the new mini pitch; teaches basic soccer skills and character building; Spring Sessions starts in April.
- Beginner Open Pickleball on Wednesday mornings from 10am-noon. In the gym. Membership required Supplies provided
- We are also offering a Spring Break Camp. The camp is from March 28-31 from 9am to 3pm. It is $120 for the week. See below
- Queen City Swish – CRC is teaming up with CPD and CFD to present a city-wider basketball league. Queen City Swish is for ages 12-17 starting in the spring of 2022! Deadline to register is March 8th. Starts date is March 18th. See below
- Tai Chi class during the day beginning April 5th. It will be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 to 11 a.m. Larry Hill will be the instructor. Membership required fee TBD.

Nialani Robinson, Community Center Director
- Congratulations to Master Terrell Davis

The City of Cincinnati, presented a Resolution recognizing and express the appreciation of the Mayor and Council of the City of Cincinnati to Master Terrell Davis of Seven Star Dragons Karate as a 2022 City of Cincinnati Black History Month honoree for her many years of teaching and mentoring the youth of Cincinnati on February 24, 2022. Master Davis expresses much gratitude to council member Meeka D Owens for her amazing presentation and honoring her in front of a delegation of students, parents, family and friends.
The resolution stated WHEREAS, Master Davis founded Seven Star Dragons to teach martial arts with an additional focus on academics, wellness, core values, and safety matters and after retiring in 1999 she expanded Seven Star Dragons into the Cincinnati Public Schools to offer enrichment programs to more youth and
WHEREAS, Master Davis has positively influenced hundreds of children, and constantly worked to teach them life skills, fitness training, character development, confidence, focus, and discipline, improving their school grades and personal growth.
Thank you to everyone that contributes to Seven Star Dragons Karate success. We are committed to serving the Cincinnati community.
NARC continues to offer classes year round on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Registration and Program information can be found on our site at http://7stardragonskarate.com/#home
Master Terrell Davis
Hirsch Recreation Center
3620 Reading Road
- Hours: 10am to 8pm Monday thru Friday
- Saturday 9 am – 2 pm
- The Fade Room (Membership required) Tuesday 5:30 – 7:30pm
- This program will provide youth 8-13 an opportunity to come into the center for a “barbershop style” experience (video games, sports on TV air hockey etc…) 4 – 30min time slots available per week. Haircuts are free of charge (no styling). Signed permission slip to reserve a time slot
- Kids Chess Club Mondays, 4:30 to 5:30 pm ages 10-15yrs. Contact Sandra Jones Mitchel for more info @ 513.861.2790
- Summer Camp Registration is open please go to cincyrec.org for more details.
- Spinning classes: Mon. & Wed., 6:15 – 7:00 pm. It is necessary to sign up before class. To register call 513.751.3393 or go to the front desk.
- New Spin Class starting on Thursdays in March! Please contact Hirsch Rec Center for more details
- Yoga: Tuesday 6:00pm – call to reserve space.
- Our Hirsch Seniors Celebrated Black History Month with a presentation of Marian Anderson and an Art Show