Electronics Recycling Drive-Through Drop-Off Days Announced for 2021

The Cincinnati Recycling & Reuse Hub has announced upcoming dates for some of their electronics recycling events for 2021. All events are held, rain or shine, on Saturdays, from 10am until 2pm at their warehouse location, 911 Evans Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204. The event dates are: April 10 & 24, and May 15 & 29. More dates will be released soon on their website www.cincinnatirecyclingandreusehub.org and on their social media pages (see below).
- Press Release PDF
- http://www.hamiltoncountyrecycles.org/residents/recycling_and_reuse_outlets/electronics
- http://www.hamiltoncountyrecycles.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=6463011&pageId=6513268
The Cincinnati Recycling & Reuse Hub
We are proud to announce our grand opening April 1!
Hours: Thursday & Friday 12pm–7pm, Saturday 9am–4pm
Phone: 513.538.3798
Email: cintirecyclingandreusehub@gmail.com
Additional information:
-We can only currently accept cash for any items that are fee based. (We are working on getting that fixed.)
-Our parking lot is being repaved. We are sorry for any issues (potholes, etc.) in the lot but we don’t own the property and have no control over the timing.
-Because of repaving, if you have a lot of heavy electronics you may want to wait and bring it to our drop off event.
-You can enter our lot through Berlin or Woodrow street.
We appreciate your patience with our volunteers!
Click below for a list of what the take for free
- https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ecd724f782c903df8dbd2bc/t/606200186292d2190fe56b02/1617035289826/CRRH+Quick+Guide.pdf
Editors Note: Though the City will take many things for free, the wait time for larger items can be a few months. Check out what they take for a nominal amount

Ivy on your trees could be very harmful Love your trees…get rid of the wintercreeper and English ivy.
Many trees in our neighborhood have large wintercreeper or English ivy vines growing up them. Not only can this harm your trees, making them more susceptible to limb breakage during storms, it also greatly promotes the spread of wintercreeper and English ivy, two very invasive non-native species that have invaded large parts of Burnet Woods and many other wooded areas in Cincinnati. Spring is a great time to free your trees from these plants. This can be done by simply cutting out a 2 inch segment of the vine near the base of the tree. Don’t try to pull the vine off, as that will damage the bark of your tree. The vine will fall out naturally after it dies.
To learn more: Click Here
Save the bees Save the planet
This is a honey bee. The pollen on her legs is from dandelions. Her tongue is sticking out due to what killed her that was on the dandelions. It’s spring, dandelions are the bees first food. This bee is dead from weed killer spread on what we see as weeds, but what nature sees as food. Please don’t spray for weeds until you see the blackberries blooming. In this area, weeds, flowers and fruit trees are bees only source of food until middle of June. There are FAR more weeds than flowers or fruit trees, so it’s their only food source. No bees, no food crops for us and we all starve.