The first community outreach for our community future plan is May 30th from 6:30-8:00pm at Hirsch Recreation Center at 3630 Reading Road. North Avondale is working on submitting an updated neighborhood Master Plan to the City of Cincinnati. It is essentially a work plan or contract with the City to craft the changes and improvements we would like to see in the next decade and beyond.

This outreach meeting is an opportunity to tell the City what our community needs in areas such as:
- Safety: Ttraffic control and quieting; clear and passable sidewalks; well-lit parks; reduced gun violence and drug trafficking
- Effective City Enforcement: Enforcement for dangerous, mismanaged, abandoned and unsafe properties; city services like those in Hyde Park
- Environment: More shade to lower street and neighborhood temperatures; reliable stormwater management; electric vehicle recharging stations
- Green Space, Playfields and Playgrounds: We are getting updates at NAM and the Recreation Center, but what else? Walking paths and other areas, a bike hub?
- Housing: Restoration and repair of viable and contributing buildings; construction in vacant lots or irreparable buildings of architectural appropriate new buildings
- Business District Redevelopment: Architecturally appropriate multi-use buildings in vacant or non-contributing locations
- Bike Trail Tie-ins: How can we be tied to a future of non-motorized transit, Wasson Way links and north-south walking and biking options?
- Public Transportation: We are on a Rapid Transit Corridor, which will mean lane loss and major changes along Reading Road