The New School Montessori (TNSM)
3 Burton Woods Lane
Preprimary New School Montessori students worked with Robby to make their classroom table
Some student work takes 5 minutes to complete while other works can take 30 minutes or more as students repeat and strengthen their focus and skill level. This particular work of creating a classroom table from scratch took several months – and as you can see, required many hands to complete.
It all began (as many projects do) with someone noticing a problem. The West Room needed another small table. Luckily, teacher Robby Lewis (in addition to being a teacher and musician) is a carpenter.
Robby brought West Room students into the process by having them first study one of the tables he built over the summer. The students turned the table upside down, taking measurements and talking about the process of building and what steps happen first.
Robby brought in raw lumber for students to measure his cuts. With the children looking on from the safety of the deck doors, Robby cut along their markings on the wood. Then came the sanding, the gluing and the nailing. Robby took the finished product home to seal with varnish, and upon its return to the classroom, each student traced his or her hand on the bottom of the table, a living testament to the project born from the labors of their hands and minds.
Teacher Sarah Strietmann worked behind the camera, chronicling their process in photographs. As a result of their group efforts, this project will be remembered by all for many years to come!

Ann Baumgardner, Communications Director