The 3rd Annual North Avondale Neighborhood Yard Sale will take place on Saturday July 11 from 8 am til noon (or as late as need be). Rain date is July 18. Approximately 2 dozen households will be selling items–safely, with precautions in place.
The map of addresses can be found now at tinyurl.com/NAYardSaleMap2020
The Facebook page for the event will also publish all the addresses on Friday June 10: North Avondale Neighborhood Yard Sale or redirected from tinyurl.com/NAYardSale2020
For those already planning to hold a sale: Tips for running a successful sale, including safety precautions, can be found on the Facebook page for the sale, in the “Discussion” section. Laurie welcomes additional tips by anyone who has them–you can post them to the Discussion section.
For those who would like to hold a sale: It’s not too late! And there is no fee to participate. You may add your address to the sale at any time by emailing Laurie Pike at northavondale@yahoo.com.
Promotions for the sale include recommendations that shoppers use digital payment forms such as Venmo or PayPal. Masks will be required, per new Ohio law.
Last but not least, there is a voluntary give-back, a suggested donation of 10% of your sale proceeds to the Beautification Committee of NANA. This is entirely up to the person holding the sale.
Special thanks to Sarah Rich for starting this annual tradition by spearheading the first neighborhood yard sale in 2018.
Laurie Pike