Home » Connected Communities response: Tracy Seibert (Rose Hill Avenue)

Connected Communities response: Tracy Seibert (Rose Hill Avenue)

Mayor Pureval, Vice Mayor Kearney, Cincinnati City Council:

I am writing to vehemently oppose the new City initiative called “Connected Communities”.

We live within a ½ mile of the Tier 1 Transportation Corridor in North Avondale, which has no business district to speak of that residents can utilize.  What we do have is an autobahn called Reading Road. Yet, the City has determined we are a PERFECT neighborhood to further condense housing with little zoning oversight. May I ask where these people will shop for essentials as this expansion is targeted to bus riders? Where along Reading Rd bus route in the City are essential services such as grocery stores?

What is even more unbelievable of this strangely ill conceived plan, is the blatant condensation of poverty and further segregation of neighborhoods.  North Avondale stands as an economically, ethnically and socially diverse neighborhood.  How do you justify expanding low income and condensed housing in an already diverse neighborhood while you do not adjust zoning for this in more affluent neighborhoods around the City???? While City maps may signify huge pockets of single family zoned areas in North Avondale, many exceptions are already grandfathered in, so reality is not as it may seem. If you have spent any time in our neighborhood and/or attend NANA meetings, you will know that our neighborhood is extremely open, diverse and proud of it its historical roots as the first residential neighborhood beyond the Central Business District. (despite what a current council member alleges otherwise in public meetings).  Not only do we love our social diversity, residents of North Avondale move here and treasure, the historical unique homes unlike any other in the city. 

Connected Communities is the farthest thing from its name.  While certain communities within the City will still enjoy the privilege of  little to no affordable housing, beautiful City supported functional business districts, and sanctity of single family zoning… our NON CONNECTED Community of North Avondale can look forward to additional condensed housing, concentrated poverty, no foreseeable functional business district and as a bonus, lower property values. 

I have to question how this is even legal. If you have an extreme housing shortage in the ENTIRE City, then change zoning in ALL of the City.  How you can selectively destroy certain neighborhoods, diminish property values and concentrate poverty all based on bus routes is unfathomable. As stated above, within our pocket of North Avondale and Paddock Hills, we are a vibrant, diverse RESIDENTIAL community. If you drive down Reading Road or Paddock Road towards Bond Hill and beyond for example, you will see lot after lot of abandoned store fronts in disrepair that would be ripe for mixed use redevelopment AND on the bus line to support a CONNECTED COMMUNITY. There are many places within the city that would be easy for development if you just take a drive around. 

Thank you,

Tracey Seibert

North Avondale Resident

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