Vehement opposition to destroying our historic neighborhoods as the first option in solving this greater problem; the lack of affordable housing that many people face.
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Connected Communities response: Sarah Koucky (Rose Hill Avenue)
6 concerns on the plan plus items that need addressed prior to any council vote – unintended consequences, fairness, and absentee landlords.
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Connected Communities response: Donald Dudrow, Jr., (Lenox Place)
As a member of your committee of professional stakeholders that participated in your concept meetings, I must say that I oppose the current Connected Communities proposal. I’ve reviewed the recommendations/ plan and as an affordable housing professional and Cincinnati homeowner I cannot support the plan.
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Connected Communities response: Tracy Seibert (Rose Hill Avenue)
We live within a ½ mile of the Tier 1 Transportation Corridor in North Avondale, which has no business district to speak of that residents can utilize. What we do have is an autobahn called Reading Road. Yet, the City has determined we are a PERFECT neighborhood to further condense housing with little zoning oversight.
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Connected Communities response: Lauren Amos (Rose Hill Avenue)
Before any plan is approved:
The city should provide an economic impact data report and an environmental impact analysis.
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Connected Communities Response: Jim Miller (Beechwood Avenue)
I can’t support an initiative that even the Greater Cinci Homeless Coalition and Cincy Action for Housing Now call “harmful”. I ask the City Council to rethink their support of Connected Communities.
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Connected Communities response: Beth Ewing (Winding Way)
What is even more unbelievable of this strangely ill-conceived plan, is the blatant condensation of poverty and further segregation of neighborhoods.
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Connected Communities Response: Mike Huber (Beechwood Avenue)
…negatively altering the beauty and charm of these old neighborhoods is not an approach that should be considered.
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Save the dates for community beautification – ObLitterators, Spruce up + prep for fall
Congratulations! NANA was recognized during the “Love They Nati” awards for its Spring 2023 Clean Up.
ProjectArt Classes at the Avondale Library
ProjectArt courses are fun and imaginative, cultivate a love of learning.