NANA/NABA Joint Strategic Development Committee (JSDC) regroups to connect North Avondale with key development organizations The commercial real estate development process is intricate. North Avondale’s business district, between Clinton Springs Avenue and Paddock Rd. brings further considerations. The North Avondale business district is best described as an urban business […]
Resources and services
Law & Safety: February 2021
illar Damage – E. Mitchell Ave and Red Bud Ave The Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW) has been replacing water lines on Avon Fields Ln, Betula Ave, Red Bud Ave moving onto Rose Hill Ave and Beechwood Ave. On Thursday, January 21, a cement truck damaged the planter bringing […]
Health & Wellness: February 2021
When you touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, When you prepare or eat food with unwashed hands, When you touch a contaminated surface or objects, When you blow your nose, cough or sneeze into your hands and then touch other people’s hands or a common object, YOU […]
Recycling/Environment: December 2020
4 Ways to Have the Greenest Christmas Tree Megan Malone Nov 27, 2020 Christmas Tree Recycling Tips You can put the tree out on the street whole; you do not need to cut the tree into segments to meet the usual yard waste limitations You must remove everything from the […]
Law & Safety: December 2020
Stop Sign at Mitchell & Clinton Springs We will remove the supplemental plaque on the stop sign that says “except when turning right” making it a stop at all times. We will also add a plaque that says “turning vehicles yield to pedestrians in crosswalk”. This should be more effective. The Department […]
Health & Wellness: December 2020
Everyone has an event that will be remembered forever that will represent the year 2020. Children will claim it as the year when schooling was disrupted. Even though every child supposedly now has a computer, using a computer specifically for educational purposes is not the same as using it to play […]
Committee Updates: November 2020
BEAUTIFICATION The Xavier students committed to working with NANA for nine consecutive Wednesday morning helping in our gardens and picking up trash! Check out the Flower pots along Reading Rd. They look great and ready for fall enjoyment! THANK YOU: Sarah Koucky, Beth Ewing, Kim Hubbard, Jolene Struebbe Jane Sillet, Janet Neidhard, Ann Wong, Teresa Harten, Jennifer Harten, […]
Around the Neighborhood: November 2020
I’d like to share how fun and easy it is to participate in Keep Cincinnati Beautiful’s “Adopt-a-Spot” program. You select the area you’d like to keep cleaned up–it could be a small one, like your own street or part of a park. You commit to cleaning it up once a month […]
Health and Wellness: October 2020
COVID-19 technically does not discriminate, but of those who have tested positive, there is a greater percentage of Black people who have to be hospitalized. Blacks make up 13-14 % of the Ohio population, yet 26 % of those testing positive for COVID-19 are Black. Earlier this year, Ohio Governor […]
Recycling: October 2020
HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DROP-OFF 2020 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Drop-Off Program Saturday, October 24 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Norwood (specific location provided after registration) LIMITED TIME SLOTS AVAILABLE Click Here to Register Hamilton County Residents only! – Businesses, Churches, Non-Profits Prohibited No charge Rain or Shine Place household hazardous […]