When children know how to manage their own stress and emotions, they’re able to excel in all areas of life and their natural talents can emerge.
What’s Inside
What would you include in the house of your dreams?
New School Montessori 2nd graders participated in a Writer’s Workshop over several days to vision what their dream home would look like.
Notes from Cincinnati Fire Department: New fire engines, welcome recruit class 122 and safety with clothes dryers
Residents may register for CincyAlert which notifies users via text message and email, as well as phone call notifications for urgent emergency alerts.
Dept. of Transportation Engineering (DOTE) update: Speed cushions are coming to North Avondale soon
North Avondale is one of 27 neighborhoods to receive traffic calming with speed cushions.
NAMily Family Newsletter
Attention parents and grandparents of North Avondale Montessori students. Keep up with NAMI.
Shirley Merrick Way Dedication
Vice Mayor Kearney held the dedication of “Shirley Merrick Way” as a secondary honorary sign to the Avondale Avenue street sign in February.
Recap and photo gallery: NANA SKY KIDS February 2024
Students learned breathing techniques, played lots of games and talked about human values like kindness, respect and friendliness.
How to control honeysuckle without herbicides
UC botanist uses nontoxic way to kill invasive species.
Food boxes program available for seniors 60+
Zion Baptist Church partners with Freestore Foodbank to provide senior boxes to members.
New School Montessori celebrates Valentine’s Day with unique relationship-building program
In the process of learning about each other, students also learned some things about themselves.