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Celebrating Community and Cheer: Two board members report on NANA’s Memorable Holiday Party

This year, NANA held its 2023 Holiday Party in the quaint Community Room at the Belvedere. Entering the room, neighbors were met with the red glow of poinsettias, the scent of yummy culinary delights, and neighbors embracing as if they hadn’t seen each other in years. The room was a buzz with neighbors sharing their stories on the neighborhood, family, and friends. From entering the Belvedere’s magnificent foyer to strolling along the historic hallways and into the decorated Community Room, the holiday decorations and architectural features were plentiful. The room was pleasingly arranged with catered food and beverages wrapped in holiday spirit to the left. To the right of the room were a few small groups of chairs with the middle open where neighbors could sit or stand. The evening echoed with laughter and cheerful chatter. The sense of community in the Belvedere was truly special, and the holiday party was a perfect opportunity for everyone to come together. NANA sends a special thank you to our friends at the Belvedere for sharing such a lovely space and to all neighbors that helped in the setup and clean up.

-Troy Robinson

As the festive season winds down, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the wonderful holiday party that brightened our community on December 12, 2023. This year’s event was not just a celebration but a testament to the spirit of North Avondale, thanks to the incredible efforts of some dedicated individuals. First and foremost, a heartfelt thanks to Sarah Koucky and Cindy Robinson for orchestrating a super fun holiday gathering for our neighborhood. Their creativity and dedication turned the party into a joyous occasion for all who attended.

Cindy’s presence at the helm was particularly noteworthy. Her exceptionally warm welcome made everyone feel right at home, creating an atmosphere of genuine community spirit. Her efforts in coordinating various aspects of the party were invaluable. Juggling multiple responsibilities with grace and efficiency, Sarah managed to create an amazing experience for everyone. Her ability to orchestrate such a complex event smoothly is nothing short of remarkable. Her commitment to our community is evident in the success of this holiday party and in the many initiatives she undertakes throughout the year.

Special gratitude is owed to Jack Wolking, whose efforts in securing the Belvedere Condominiums’ party room were crucial. This cool location set the perfect backdrop for our festive celebrations. The ambiance of the venue, combined with the delightful array of food and the special appearance of Santa, made for a truly magical evening. And thank you to the cocktail creators who prepared classic holiday punch and eggnog recipes, plus a spicy cider.

The turnout was impressive, featuring not only familiar faces but also some new members of our community. The advance notice of the event ensured that many could make it, marking the occasion as a significant gathering in our neighborhood calendar.

As we step into the new year, let’s carry with us the joy and camaraderie experienced at the party. It’s events like these that strengthen our community bonds and remind us of the wonderful neighborhood we are part of. Here’s to many more successful gatherings in 2024! Enjoy this photo gallery from the event.

Dawn Johnson

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