Of all the amazing things about North Avondale, one that recently came up in discussions with neighbors, is how long families STAY once they find this treasure of a neighborhood. Some choose to stay in their initial homes and others try out many homes in the neighborhood. In addition, I think many of us know of families who raised their children here and then all or many of the children bought homes in North Avondale too. I am thinking of Williams, Harten, and Hassel families and I am sure there are many more!
I thought it might be fun to see 1. Who has lived in their current house the longest and 2. Who has continuously lived in the neighborhood the longest – allowing for moves to different houses? And perhaps, 3. Whose family has been the single owner of their house? No prizes for this just yet, but let’s all celebrate families who have been such supporters of North Avondale by their presence and by being good stewards of these beautiful houses we get to call our homes.
I need your help to get the correct data for all three categories. This will be my Winter project, now that Beautification will be winding down. So, if you want to tell me your story, and put yourself on one of the above lists, please email me at jmstruebbe@gmail.com or call me at 513.884.4018. My goal will be to share your stories in upcoming newsletters and celebrate longevity in North Avondale!
Jolene Struebbe (Beechwood)