Virtual Community Town Hall MeetingSeptember 16, 20216:30 p.m.Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. More information about the meeting can be found at City’s website If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Cassandra Hillary, […]
Resources and services
Law & Safety: September 2021
Update: Double STOP signs have been painted at the new “all stop” area, Clinton Springs and E. Mitchell. The city is going to change the corner near the stop sign to make it a sharper L shape, so it’s more difficult to roll through. The message board is going to take a […]
Development: September 2021
Rupel House – 3864 Reading Road We met with members of the Port last week for an update on 3864 Reading Road. No agreements have been signed as of that time. They will keep us informed on any forthcoming activity. Rosemary’s Babies Company has also reached out to NANA and the NA JSDC […]
Law & Safety: Summer 2021
Update: Regarding the new All Stop at Clinton Springs and E. Mitchell. The order to have the street painted STOP has been sent to the Public Service Dept. Unfortunately, they are short-staffed and have a backlog of work to complete. The custom message board is also taking longer than expected. I apologize for […]
Development: Summer 2021
Councilmember Landsman has offered to come and speak with the General Assembly on July 13th at the Monthly Meeting regarding development of the Rupel Property. This offer was spurred by residents contacting City Council concerning business development in the NA Business Corridor. Councilmember Landsman will be joined by Councilmember Kearney and, if available, representatives from the […]
Recycling/Environment: April 2021
Electronics Recycling Drive-Through Drop-Off Days Announced for 2021 The Cincinnati Recycling & Reuse Hub has announced upcoming dates for some of their electronics recycling events for 2021. All events are held, rain or shine, on Saturdays, from 10am until 2pm at their warehouse location, 911 Evans Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204. The event dates […]
Law & Safety: April 2021
These signs were installed on 3/10/21.Some drivers are not adhering to the stop sign. It may be the fact that people have been driving the same streets for years and just not noticing the new signage. When the weather warms up the city is planning on having public services go […]
The Cicadas are Back: April 2021
Cincinnati is one of the hot spots for the cicadas who plan to appear sometime between May and June according to Gene Kritsky, an entomologist at The College of Mount St Joseph. Many of us have memories from 2004 or 1987 when not only did the cicadas cover car windshields obstructing […]
Recycling/Environment: March 2021
Don’t clean up your yard yet! Let’s talk plastic bag recycling. Many folks know that they can recycle bags at their local grocer (NOT in your green CART), but did you know you can also take your PLASTIC FILM to be recycled? The following items are accepted in plastic bag/film […]
Committee Updates: March 2021
NOMINATING COMMITTEE 2021-2022 NANA Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee is forming and NANA is gathering names for the Nominating Committee and the 2021/2022 slate of elected officers for the North Avondale Neighborhood Association. If you are interested or have anyone to suggest, attend the NANA General Meeting or call the […]