Stop by on two Saturdays in June for North Avondale community yard sales.
Author: Beth Smith
Fitness on the Green
Building a stronger community through group fitness.
Got questions for city council?
Council Member Mark Jeffreys Q&A coming up at the June NANA General Meeting
Take time to view the award-winning Living With Landslides documentary film
Three 10-minute segments from the film are available to view on demand on The Hillside Trust website.
Welcome to the new NANA/NABA website
The website team is proud to unveil the redesigned 2023 NANA/NABA website. Have a look around!
Reinvention continues with BRT and Metro
Liz Peak, President, Regional Mobility Group, LLC, will present at the NANA General Meeting on March 14, 2023.
Will you help OKI plan for the future?
Your input will help plan for important transportation, housing, and environmental initiatives.
Neighborhood block watch
Several streets in North Avondale have formed block watch organizations to help the police better serve our community. If you are interested in volunteering, forming or learning more about a block watch group in your area please use the form on the Volunteer page to request a block watch captain contact […]
Welcome to North Avondale
The North Avondale Neighborhood Association (NANA) was founded in 1960. NANA is composed of a group of committed citizens dedicated to preserving and improving the quality of life in the neighborhood. Our Mission Actively preserve and enhance the living experience in our neighborhood. Our VisionCincinnati’s Best Address: Beautiful homes, Great […]
Health & Wellness: February 2021
When you touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, When you prepare or eat food with unwashed hands, When you touch a contaminated surface or objects, When you blow your nose, cough or sneeze into your hands and then touch other people’s hands or a common object, YOU […]