Tink’s Sweet Shoppe is a home-based baking business located near Children’s Hospital and Cincinnati Zoo specializing in decorated cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and cake pops.
What’s Inside
New School Montessori 6th graders visit Washington, D.C
Twelve New School Montessori 6th graders took a spring tour of Washington, D.C. with their classroom teacher and our school’s director.
Support North Avondale Center
The Cincinnati Recreation Foundation has initiated a Share-A-Thon donation drive.
Will you help OKI plan for the future?
Your input will help plan for important transportation, housing, and environmental initiatives.
New School students deliver Valentine’s Day gift baskets to Ronald McDonald House
New School Montessori 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders planned amazing Valentine’s Day care packages for families currently living at the Ronald McDonald House.
Cincinnati Water Works lead service line replacement program update
LeadPipeRefund group status update from residents concerned about having to pay double for lead pipe replacement.
NAM’s 4th-grade girls’ basketball team did not give up
What an amazing ride for the North Avondale Montessori 4th grade girls basketball team this season.
The Who and the What: The Garden on Clinton Springs
Have you wondered about the big garden on Clinton Springs? Learn more about North Avondale’s woman-owned, working urban farm.
New Vet Clinic in Hyde Park
North Avondale neighbors Amber-Renee Hickson to open a new vet clinic in Hyde Park.
4th-6th grade New School Montessori students create Notan-style artwork
The students’ work brings balance between light and dark elements to create harmony and beauty.